In-depth understanding of the needs in the market


The eight (8) Critical Control Points (CCP) for high quality maize silage
332.23 KB 09/09/2021 19
Strains Matter: Looking for the optimal combination
841.31 KB 09/09/2021 15
SiloSolve FC reduces spoilage, increases dry matter recovery in corn silage
1.43 MB 09/09/2021 300
SiloSolve FC improves ruminal starch digestibility and aerobic stability of high-moisture corn
444.33 KB 09/09/2021 18
Enterobacteriaceae, Clostridium and feed hygiene: Taking the next step
620.10 KB 09/09/2021 10
Effect of grass-legume silage treated with SiloSolve FC on aerobic stability of total-mixed ration
227.30 KB 09/09/2021 14
What about silage inoculants?
138.60 KB 20/08/2021 21
Preparing the maize harvest: Check the CCPs
209.19 KB 20/08/2021 9


    Expanding on their microbial core for more than 149 years

    As a business partner of Chr. Hansen, ENVARTO prides itself on products and services from a strong platform in bioscience technologies combined with extensive research. The best innovative bacterial solutions for poultry, swine, cattle, and silage are produced from the world's largest commercial bank of bacterial strains. The ever-expanding range of probiotics and inoculants enables farmers to produce the high-quality, sustainable, and safe food that global consumers demand.

    Corporate Knights ranked our remarkable business partner Chr. Hansen as the most sustainable biotech company in the world in 2019, 2020 and 2021.



    +27 (0)84 518 6884


    Office Hours:

    Monday to Friday
    08h00 โ€“ 16h30



    Unit 1, Building D, Lytteltown Office Park, 250 Shelanti Avenue, Die Hoewes, Centurion, 0157, Gauteng, South Africa

    PO Box 698, Irene, 0062, Gauteng, South Africa